martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

A practicar un poco el inglés!


Aquí en este vídeo podéis ver como actúa el jabón y por qué es tan efectivo para eliminar el virus de nuestras manos y así evitar el contagio:

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I'm Gonzalo from 2nd grade.
    I think the video explains how important it is to wash your hands before eating, when you enter the house...
    This video, explains what happens to a virus, in this case the coronavirus, when the soap comes in contact with the virus.

  2. My name is Carlos Sánchez Parres of 2 ESO B
    This video show us why we must clen ower hand.
    Also I don't now that the bacterias have a body.
    I recomend it to see
