sábado, 13 de junio de 2020

Aprendiendo un poco de todo sobre virus y pandemias

VideoCoronavirusBruno from Bruño on Vimeo.

5 comentarios:

  1. I think this video is very educational, since it also explains to you in addition to the whole topic related to pandemics a bit of history about other pandemis, explains to all the things related to Covid-19, such as how the disease develops, how we can finish with the virus. Mathematics is heavily involved in virus research. The video explain to how the economy of the country is going to suffer because of the pandemy, explain to how some people can have a radical change.

    1. Javier soy Teresa se 2B no se porque no se me ha puesto el nombre a la hora de escribir el comentario.

  2. El vídeo me ha parecido muy interesante y me ha enseñado cosas que no sabía
    Soy Carlos Sánchez Parres

  3. I found a very interesting video about how the pandemic is affecting us and how the virus that has paralyzed us is made up.
    I am Marcos García 2ºESO, C

  4. With this video I already know a little more about previous pandemics and how the coronavirus is spreading
    The video tells us that one of the consequences of the coronavirus is the economic crisis.
    I found it very interesting when it explains how the virus develops in the human body.
    I am Clara Santos 2ºC.
